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Window Preservation Alliance

Don't Replace...Repair

Mentor Program

As we think every current member has found, this organization is a friendly and helpful group of people! "Helpful" being the key word here. We have members with upwards of 30 years experience and members with less than a year experience. Here's where the word "helpful" comes in. "Helpful" as in Mentor. 

Mentors can restore more windows vicariously through new window restoration businesses!  And the more window restoration businesses out there in the big wide world, the more attention window restoration will get!  This is a beautiful symbiotic relationship that helps all window restoration companies. Large and small!

In order to get the ball rolling for this mentor program, we need some mentors to step up to the plate. What qualifies one to be a mentor, you ask?  Please consider the following:

Mentor Qualifications:

1) Mentors should have at least ten years of window restoration experience that they can share with new mentees. 

2) Mentors are willing to volunteer approx. 5+/- hours a month, or simply be available to answer one perplexing problem a mentee might be experiencing. 

3) Mentors are happy to meet in person or by phone. 

4) Mentors may offer a more personalized hands-on training at a rate to be determined by the mentor. 

5) Mentors will have the ability to remove their name from the mentor list at any time.

Mentees will have responsibilities as well, such as:

Mentee Responsibilities:

1) Requesting assistance from a mentor would first require a letter of introduction through an e-mail to the chosen mentor. 

2) Upon initial contact with a chosen mentor, the mentee will discuss and agree upon best times for contact. 

3) It is the mentee's responsibility to initiate/terminate the relationship. 

4) The mentee should be sensitive to where they are operating or starting up their business (completion).

Pretty simple, right?  Here's how we all can proceed.

Future Mentors, please login and update your Member Profile by completing the fields listed under the "Mentor Program" section. Check the "Yes" box in the "I would like to be added to the Mentor Directory" field. You can uncheck this box at any time to be removed from the Mentor Directory. Also complete the "Business Bio" field to be listed in the Mentor Directory.

Future Mentees, check the WPA web site Mentor Directory when you need some assistance. Contact mentor by e-mail. Enjoy the conversation!

Questions? Board member John Rodgers, is heading up this mentor program and is happy to answer all inquires about the program. John is looking forward to your participation!

Have a question? Want to know more?

Contact Us

Window Preservation Alliance 867 Boylston Street, 5th Floor #2156 Boston, MA 02116

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